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Hardest Programming Languages

What is the hardest programming language

Computers are an essential part of modern life, and they are used to perform a wide range of tasks. However, there are some programming languages that are more difficult to learn than others.

If you’re interested in learning a new language, there are a few options that you might want to consider. These are some of the hardest to learn, but they can also help you land a high-paying job.


C++ is a general-purpose, object-oriented programming language that was invented in the early 1980s. Bjarne Stroustrup developed it at Bell Labs to bring together the best features of BCPL, Simula, and Dennis Ritchie’s C into one well-structured and easy-to-use language.

Its primary encapsulation mechanism is classes, which allow data to be organized in an abstract manner and to be shared by different functions or classes. Class members can be declared as public, protected, or private to limit their access.

While C++ is often referred to as the “Swiss Pocket Knife of Programming Languages,” it can be tricky to get used to for a beginner. It also lacks a garbage collector, making it difficult to automatically remove unwanted data without causing system crashes and memory leaks.

If you are considering learning this challenging language, there are several resources that you should consider. These include the book The C++ Programming Language, which was written in 1985 by Stroustrup and is still widely considered a good resource for beginners. Another helpful book is Effective Modern C++, which has a practical orientation and covers all the newest features of C++ in a thorough way.


Haskell is a statically typed, pure functional programming language that is often used for large-scale projects. It is based on lambda calculus, a mathematical system that examines functions and their relationships.

Using a system of static typing, Haskell is able to check the code for errors at compile time. This can save time in development by catching errors before they are created.

It also uses a lazy evaluation, which means it does not execute functions or calculate values unless it is specifically told to do so. This makes it ideal for referential transparency and allows you to think of your programs as a series of transformations on data.

A wide variety of companies use Haskell for applications that need to be robust and reliable, especially in the financial industry. Its strong static typing, purity, and immutable data make it an excellent choice for building high-assurance smart contracts.


When I first heard that Forth was the hardest programming language, I was a little shocked. I thought it was too simple, but after getting started on a project in Forth, I realized how wrong I was.

Forth has many interesting features, like its ability to juggle a lot of variables, but it also forces programmers to keep track of what data is on the stack at any given time. This can result in very tight code, or in headaches.

A Forth word can affect the stack in a few ways: Some take values off of it, some leave them on it, and some do both. It’s these “stack effects” that make Forth a bit difficult to learn, but they can also help you understand how something works and why it doesn’t work.

Forth is also a good example of minimalism in terms of language concepts and the amount of hardware support required. Its compact kernel was designed to be as small as possible in order to run on a wide variety of minicomputers.


Malbolge is the hardest programming language and it takes two years to write a program in this language. It was invented by Ben Olmstead in 1998 and it was named after the eighth circle of hell in Dante’s Inferno.

It is a type of esoteric programming language, and the first program it produced wasn’t written by a human being; it was generated through a beam search algorithm designed by Andrew Cooke. It was implemented in Lisp.

The main difference between Malbolge and other programming languages is that code and data are stored together in the same memory cells, which is why it’s very difficult to distinguish between them. A programmer should know that the memory cell he chooses for the data section must not intersect with any other memory cell directly preceding the code section, because it can be changed when the code jumps into it.

It’s also important to understand that Malbolge is a ternary virtual machine. This means that each instruction is followed by a data manipulation command and the registers are incremented before the next instruction.