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What is the Hardest Programming Language to Learn?

What is the hardest programming language

If you’re looking to get into programming, choosing the right language can be a daunting task. The best way to start is by selecting a language that suits your needs and goals.

There are hundreds of coding languages available today, each with their own unique benefits and challenges. Some are considered easier to learn than others.


C++ is an incredibly popular programming language for performance-critical applications that require speed and efficient memory management. It’s used in a variety of industries, including software and game development, VR, robotics, and scientific computing.

As an object-oriented language, C++ emphasizes using data fields with unique attributes, which are often called objects. This makes it easier to organize programs into separate, well-defined parts.

It also gives programmers more control over how they use their resources, as it allows them to adjust exactly how data structures and memory allocation are handled. In addition, it includes built-in exception handling tools that detect exceptional circumstances and handle them automatically.

While beginners may find learning C++ difficult, it’s an extremely practical and versatile language. It’s one of the most powerful programming languages available, and it can help you develop a wide range of projects, from games to financial modeling. With a little patience, you can become a successful C++ programmer!


Malbolge is one of the hardest programming languages to learn. It was created in 1998 and it took two years for its creator to write the first program in it.

It works in ternary system, where each machine word can store ten trits (ternary digits) of unsigned integers between 0 and 59048, inclusive. The virtual machine also has three registers: A (accumulator, used for data manipulations), C (code pointer) and D (data pointer).

The code section of a Malbolge program is represented by the labels MOVD and IN_OUT. It is important to note that a Malbolge instruction can be cyclic self-modifying, meaning it will change to a different instruction after execution.

For example, the Jmp to MOVD label will modify the code register C from Nop to MovD after the instruction cycle is complete. The resulting Malbolge instruction at that position will then be executed. This will then cause the corresponding memory cell at IN_OUT to be modified.


If you’re looking for a programming language that will take your skills to the next level, look no further than Haskell. It’s a pure functional language, and it uses lazy evaluation, which means that everything is evaluated only when it’s actually needed.

This makes Haskell ideal for writing programs that rely on referential transparency. It also makes it easier to write complex data structures.

Another unique feature of Haskell is its type system. Static types make it easy to understand how data will be used, and the compiler will catch bugs before they hit the production environment.

This can be especially useful in the financial industry, where bugs are a big problem. The type system also allows you to “tag” values with information about what they are and where they come from. This makes it easier to refactor your code as requirements change, and ensures that your business domain is properly represented. This is why companies such as Facebook, Twitter, and Google have chosen to use Haskell in their development processes.


Prolog is a programming language that allows the user to describe the problem domain (rules and facts) and then make queries for the interpreter to derive solutions. This high level of abstraction makes it ideal for artificial intelligence and non-numerical programs in general, removing the imperative nature of other languages and leaving the programmer to focus on solving the problem rather than imposing computer idiosyncratic commands.

The language is based on first-order logic, though it has a number of special programming features that violate pure predicate logic and are called extra logical features: input/out, CUT, which alters the search space some high powered techniques for pattern matching and search.

These special features make it easier to implement applications such as databases, symbolic mathematics, and language parsing. However, some of these features may have unintended side effects, such as printing values to the screen. This can cause problems with the program’s performance. Nevertheless, many of these special features are still useful for AI and other non-numerical applications.